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23rd December 2019
We’re doing occupations. Welcome to the tenth blog post in this series. The main aim of this blog is to talk about Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science.
As an Occupational Therapist working in mental health, I have often been involved in assessing whether someone has capacity to live independently and to manage their finances. In Queensland, Australia the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) can appoint a Financial Administrator and Guardian for a person who does not have capacity to make decisions with regards to their finances, accommodation and provision of services etc. The following is a case scenario regarding Occupational Therapy assessment and involvement in this process:
Jessica is a 30 year old woman who was first diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia at the age of 18. She has been having difficulties maintaining her accommodation and managing her finances. Jessica has recently experienced periods of homelessness and often runs out of money one week before her next fortnightly Disability Support Pension. As a result, the Psychiatrist has made a referral for an Occupational Therapy assessment.
The Occupational Therapist conducted a comprehensive assessment including The Occupational Circumstances Assessment Interview and Rating Scale (OCAIRS), Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), Gold Coast Financial Assessment and Model of Human Occupation Screening Tool (MOHOST) and an observational shopping and cooking assessment. The Occupational Therapy report supported that Jessica requires a Financial Administrator and a Guardian for decisions regarding accommodation. The report also recommended that Jessica requires a Guardian for provision of services to approve support for her to maintain independent living.
Unfortunately no-one in Jessica’s family was willing and able to take on this responsibility, therefore the Public Trustee and Adult Guardian was appointed by QCAT. Although Jessica was initially upset, she soon realised the benefits of having stable accommodation, savings in her bank account and support workers to help care for her daily needs.
Jessica stated that she now glad to be receiving extra support and this will be the best Christmas she has had in many years. With support, she has been able to decorate her new unit, bake some Christmas goodies for her family and afford to buy presents for her nephews and nieces. Merry Christmas Jessica!
Keep on doing occupations!
Neil Woodroffe, Occupational Therapist
Doing Occupations (2019)